Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Secret

I have only done it twice this week but I got FLOODED with emails, texts and Instagram messages on how in the world am I burning that many calories in a little over an hour. Here it is. I’m fatter than you all. Yup. That’s my secret. I weight more than most of you asking and I’m pushing myself as hard as I possibly can so my heart rate is going up and it’s working my muscles and making me sweat like a pig.

I have had lots of people on my Facebook wanting me to email them ‘my secret’. I want to laugh in their face. I really want to laugh in everyone’s face who asks that question. The ‘secret’ is eating well in portion controlled sizes while breaking a sweat and drinking lots of water. I can’t commit to taking any sort of powder, supplement, prepackaged dinner or anything close to that to lose weight. Why? Well for one that’s not in my budget. I had to pick if I wanted to work with a trainer or get something like that. I chose the trainer. Also because I don’t want to make myself believe that some sort of supplement like that is making me lose the weight. I want to know that it was my hard work and dedication that got the weight off. That’s just me. Some people might work extremely well with a program that delivers your food to your door or has you replace one meal a day with a shake. I just can’t do that to my body when I have no clue how it’s going to react to it. Some people have great success with it. But I have never heard of someone eating healthy, working out and drinking a ridiculous amount of water NOT lose any weight. If you are that person or know that person please direct me to them. Because I want to call your bluff and tell you that you are probably cheating yourself when it comes to eating or not pushing yourself in the gym. I am the Queen of Excuses and I can smell that bullshit a mile away. So quit feeling like you’re ‘too fat’ to work out. Getting over the embarrassment of people seeing you work out is going to be the most difficult thing. I know it’s hard and I know you might feel embarrassed or overwhelmed going to the gym and not knowing how machines work. But. Being embarrassed for that short period of time while asking for help is a lot better than being embarrassed and ashamed the rest of your life because you’re not satisfied with how your body looks.  


  1. not to knock those "other ways" that people go with, but you are doing it the BEST way. the truly healthy way. there's something that exercise does to me as a whole, inside and out, that a stupid little diet pill could never do.
    busting ass FTW!

  2. i hate exercising because, well, sweat, and i always feel embarrassed in a gym. it's the one place i have no idea what i'm doing and that so, thank you for this!

  3. Yayyy you for not filling everyone's head full of BS or acting like there is some big secret to making things happen besides hard work and dedication!

    Keep it up, you're rocking it!

  4. I'm with you on this. Getting over yourself and getting into the gym is the hardest part. I'm not moving as fast as the guy next to me, nor am I lifting as much weight but I am LITERALLY working my ass off (7 pounds over the past 3 weeks!) and doing it right. Slow and steady wins the race. Keep it up, you're an inspiration!

  5. You're one brave (calorie free) cookie, Bris Jenner.

  6. You speak the truth!! My calories burned used to be very high like yours when I was heavier. I can remember running on Thanksgiving of last year 3 miles and I burned 1,000 calories. Now that same route and 3 miles I only burn 350 calories. It is amazing how your body adapts and becomes a machine! I love it and I am very excited for you and your progress. Get it girl!
